Back in the beginning of May, my lovely sister Lauren shared a link to a recipe with me. It was for these adorable Cinco de Mayo Pinata Cookies that she discovered on Pinterest. Of course, being the baker that I am, I wanted to make them immediately. Cinco de Mayo was only 3 days away, which felt like plenty of time to put these together for my friends. Boy was I wrong! Pinterest should come with a warning label:
Warning: Things on Pinterest are harder than they appear.
My Cinco de Mayo Pinata Cookies |
These were the single most difficult thing I have ever attempted to make. But, I did it and my roommate Margaret loved them. So, I would consider this baking adventure a moderate success. Normally when I share a recipe, I type it out again for my readers to follow step-by-step without leaving my blog. Today I don't think that is necessary. I am going to share with you step-by-step the craziness that went through this blog. I would highly recommend you visit the original site for a more detailed look into exactly how this is supposed to be done. I'm just here to share my hilarious experience. :)